"How would your day change if you lived it as an answer to Jesus' prayer?"
That's the question I wrote down after Vince Antonucci finished his talk last week at Whiteboard. I'd never heard Vince speak, but loved his energy, his passion, and his humor. Easily one of the funniest guys I have ever met.
In talking about Jesus' prayer for more workers for the harvest, he said that we have the honor of being the answer to Jesus' prayer. Woah...never thought about it like that. But as quickly as I got a shot of adrenaline, the weight of conviction set in.
I am part of the answer to Jesus' prayer for more workers when I am actively engaged in the harvest. If my days are spent doing nothing but preparing sermons, thinking about and talking about church strategy stuff, and meeting with Christians about Christian/church stuff, then I'm not sure I'm much of an answer. Not that those things are all bad, but when they are the dominant uses of my time, then I am off track.
Vince made the point that the most messed up people in Jesus' day wanted to be around Him. Do the most messed up people in your town and my town want to be around us? If we can answer, "Yes," then I think we are on our way to being an answer to Jesus' prayer. If not, then what needs to change?
As I consider what needs to change so that I will engage in the harvest all the more, I am realizing that it is not that hard. It's natural. It starts with people closest to me. It happens doing things that I love to do.
The hard part is me walking away from my laptop, my books, and my notebooks to actually do what I read, write, and talk to others about. But, the thought that I am part of the answer to Jesus' prayer is more than enough motivation!
I was just in a meeting this morning with a fellow church planter who was sharing his organization structure with me and he was in the midst of changing it due to growth. He said he wanted more time to spend with God and other things, but you have reminded me why we really need to free up our time.
I pray that those that are far from God drive from miles away to want to be around you, myself and church planters/pastors around the world!!!
Thank you!!!
Posted by: lloyd owens | May 29, 2008 at 03:46 PM
lloyd :: it's a tough rope to walk, no doubt, because preaching and leading are so very important. but the more i do it, the more convinced i am, that nothing is more important than being around lost people and developing friendships in the harvest. it takes discipline, intentionality, and prioritization, but it is SO worth it! and, i preach better and lead better when i am doing what i am preaching and when i am modeling what i am leading!
praying for you, bro!
Posted by: jay hardwick | May 30, 2008 at 02:14 PM