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April 28, 2008


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We learn of stories through our cell families, connect cards, relationships and etc... We ask people to tell the story they have constantly.. The catch for us is that we video almost all of our stories and show them via video. Our staff experienced an awful moment allowing someone to tell their story "live." It was one of those, please get off the stage "psycho" moments.

jay hardwick

ben - thanks for sharing. no doubt, live stories can be a bit risky...but videos can come off as slick and produced. tough line to walk. i've had a few train wrecks myself with live stories...

i was hoping to have more response to this...i'm really curious as to how leaders/churches effectively tell stories in a systematic way to celebrate what God is doing and to give people living illustrations of success in relation to the mission/vision. we have so much at our disposal...blogs, facebook, twitter, youtube..i'd love to hear how some of you are using them to tell stories. even if you're just experimenting, i'd love to hear about it.

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